We have control of our minute, our hour, our day, our week, our month and our year.
Stop running around being on the receiving end of whatever people want to dump on you.
You showed up,
you accepted that invite,
you invited these people to your house,
you’re in a relationship with that man,
you’re in a relationship with that woman.
That’s you, so how do you feel at the end of your night?
How easy and how convenient is it for us to blame everything and everybody for the things that we have going on in our lives.
There is a such thing as you being a positive and a great person with the best of intentions towards everybody, and shit is rough and you just can’t get a break.
But most of you, most of you are waking up every day looking for pain, dysfunction drama, unemployment, being broke, struggling, dropping every excuse in the book about your childhood and the problems and dysfunction that you grew up in
that’s stopping you from becoming successful.
You don’t like your friends, so why are you still with them?
You don’t trust your managers agents and lawyers, so why are they still there?
Do you really expect your life and career to be any different from messing with the same things, people and situations.
That’s all I’m saying.
Are the things that you’re doing, the people that you’re hanging out with, and the places and the circles that you’re
traveling in, does that reflect a person that actually loves themself?
If you love yourself why would you fuck with those type of people?
You know what they’re saying about you behind your back,
you know they’re jealous and envious of who you are and the things that you got going on in your life, in your career.
You know that they don’t like you, and they’ve made it clear they’ve sent you every sign imaginable that they could possibly send you, and because you’re so desperate to have people around you and in your life, you continue to go back, you continue to show up to everything they invite you to, knowing what they’re saying about you.
I’m not preaching separatism. I don’t want a bunch of people to just be alone at home doing nothing with no friends no family and nothing to do. I’m saying that at this point you are old enough and mature enough to understand the difference in good people and bad people, and when you’re hangingn out with negative dark and dysfunctional people. you cannot expect yourself to go to sleep at night and rest. You cannot expect yourself to feel good about your day when you’re including negative and
dysfunctional people in your day.
Stop being a lazy person that’s full of excuses, sitting around on the pity party coming up with every excuse in the world
as to why you ain’t winning. You are the reason you’re not winning. you keep messin with negative evil and dysfunctional people and expecting positive results. It’s time you get off the pity party, stop complaining about being out of
shape when you never go to the gym, stop looking at your stomach when you get out of the shower and your body and complaining about the way you look when you’re eating everything in sight and never going to the gym.
You are the reason you look the way you look,
you’re the reason you’re unemployed,
you’re the reason why your surroundings are so dysfunctional and negative.
You could still be in the hood, broke and living a peaceful life.
It’s a choice.
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